General Information
Here's where you'll find all of the information you need to know about Rhapsody Dance Project!
General Information for Drop-Ins

RSVP to sign our participation waiver.
Once you sign the waiver it's valid for the whole 2023/2024 season.

The style and teacher will change for each class. Stay tuned and we'll post the styles for each class!
If you're interested in teaching a class,
let us know!

We've introduced new class passes, available in 5, 10 and 15 classes! They can be used for any of our drop ins. We keep track of how many passes you have left when you check in at each drop-in.

Bring appropriate footwear for
each class.
We'll let you know if there's anything specific you need!

Wear what you're comfortable in.
Just make sure you can move in it!

Each class is $5
to help cover
studio fees.

All drop-ins are held at Carousel Dance Centre.
500 Parkside Drive
in Waterloo.